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The following common exceptions are provided by this package.

Status codeDefault message
BadRequestException400'Bad Request'
NotFoundException404'Not Found'
PayloadTooLargeException413'Payload Too Large'
UnprocessableEntityException422'Unprocessable Entity'
InternalServerErrorException500'Internal Server Error'

Custom exceptions​

Any exception class that extends the base HttpException will be handled by the built-in error handler.

import { HttpException } from '@storyofams/next-api-decorators';

export class MethodNotAllowedException extends HttpException {
public constructor(message?: string = 'Method Not Allowed') {
super(405, message);

Then later in the app, we can use it in our route handler:

class Events {
public events() {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException();

Handling exceptions​

Even though we already have a built-in exception handler, you may need more control over the exception handling for specific use cases. For example, add logging or use a different shape for the response object based on some dynamic factors. For that purpose, we provide the @Catch decorator.

@Catch decorator can either be used for the whole handler (on the class) or can be used for a specific route (on a class method).

Let's create an exception handler for the MethodNotAllowedException we created above.

import { Catch } from '@storyofams/next-api-decorators';

function methodNotAllowedExceptionHandler(
error: MethodNotAllowedException,
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {

@Catch(methodNotAllowedExceptionHandler, MethodNotAllowedException)
class Events {
public events() {
return 'Our events';

Catch everything​

In case you need the exception handler to catch all errors, you can pass only the handler function to the @Catch decorator:

import { Catch } from '@storyofams/next-api-decorators';

function exceptionHandler(
error: unknown,
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
const message = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'An unknown error occurred.';
res.status(200).json({ success: false, error: message });

class Events {
public events() {
return 'Our events';