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Decorator reference

Class decorators​

  • @SetHeader(key: string, value: string) Sets a header key valur pair for all routes in a handler class.
  • @UseMiddleware(...middlewares: Middleware[]) Registers one or multiple middlewares for all the routes defined in the class.
  • @Catch(handler: (error: unknown, req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => void | Promise<void>, exceptionType?: ClassConstructor) Creates an exception handler for a handler class.

Method decorators​

  • @SetHeader(key: string, value: string) Sets a header key value pair for the route that the decorator is applied to.
  • @HttpCode(code: number) Defines the HTTP response code of the route.
  • @Download() Marks the method as a download handler for the client, so the returned file can be downloaded by the browser.
  • @UseMiddleware(...middlewares: Middleware[]) Registers one or multiple middlewares for the handler.
  • @Catch(handler: (error: unknown, req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => void | Promise<void>, exceptionType?: ClassConstructor) Creates an exception handler for a route in a handler class.

HTTP method decorators​

The following decorators mark your class method as a handler for the corresponding HTTP verb.

  • @Get(path?: string)
  • @Post(path?: string)
  • @Put(path?: string)
  • @Delete(path?: string)
  • @Patch(path?: string)

Parameter decorators​

@Req(), @Request()req
@Res(), @Response()res
@Query(key?: string)req.query / req.query[key]
@Header(key: string)req.headers[key]
@Param(key: string)req.params[key]